A recent survey of 2000 British adults by the website needaproperty.com to find out the top 15 streets they would be most embarrassed to live on show that there are some serious bargains to be had if you don’t mind living on a street with a rude sounding or innuendo laden name, meaning possibly cheap home insurance too!

According to the survey, properties were on average £84,000 cheaper on roads with rude names than similar properties nearby. The study, which took two months to compile, showed that 60% of those polled would be put off living on a road with an embarrassing sounding name, but for those of us who wouldn’t mind living on Minge Lane or Crotch Crescent, there’s a pretty penny to be saved! In fact, Minge Lane in Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire, was found to have the most embarrassment value, picking up almost one third (31 per cent) of the vote. Slag Lane in Lowton, Lancashire, followed closely behind, being selected by just over one quarter (26 per cent) of people.

Realistically this shouldn’t have any bearing on whether you can obtain cheap home insurance, as the premiums are not calculated on the saleable value of the property, but the rebuild cost of the property including any demolition work and removal of debris that may be required, so it is always worth bearing this in mind when an insurance adviser asks you for the sum you wish to be insured.
However, we here at Comparecrazy have a bit of a sense of humour, so there are possibly extra discounts to be had if you make us smile when you’re looking to insure a property on, for example, Fanny Hands Lane!
So for cheap home insurance, why not give us a try here at Comparecrazy.com. The business insurance comparison site!