Top Tips For Market Stall Holders

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Stalls with fresh vegetables and fruit at market square, KazimieRunning a market stall is a fantastic occupation, with no two days ever the same. Yet when you’re flogging goods next to a myriad of other stallholders it can sometimes be difficult to get ahead. Whether you’re in food, fashion, handicrafts or beauty products, we’ve got some useful tips to get business booming at your stall.

Learn the art of upselling

Whatever you sell, learning the art of upselling will help you move even more stock. You don’t have to be overly aggressive, it’s more about talking your customers into making a purchase while remaining friendly, upbeat and a little bit sneaky. 

Presentation, presentation, presentation!

First impressions are everything, particularly when you’ve only got limited space to showcase all your goods. As well as capturing the attention of customers stalls should also keep their eyes browsing and searching for more. Tiers and multi-level displays are always engaging while props will also add an extra element of interest. Get creative and see what you can come up with!

Stay organised

Like any business, organisation is critical. This includes everything from stocktakes and daily sales records to tax affairs and employee wages.

Don’t forget market insurance

Protect yourself, your business and your customers with a comprehensive market insurance policy that allows you to trade with complete peace of mind. From employee accidents and stock damage to vandalism and customer injuries, you’ll be 100% covered.

Offer customers the option of card payments

Thanks to technology such as PayWave many Brits now hit the shops without any cash. Make sure you don’t lose out on any sales by requesting a card machine from your bank. This will transform your market stall into a fully operational business that can make sales from anywhere, at any time.

Wear a smile

A smile goes a long way, especially when you’re trading in lively and upbeat atmospheres. Adopt a friendly attitude and you’ll start to see sales soar.

Hit up social media

Social media is a fantastic form of free advertising and can be used to promote your business, keep in touch with customers and announce where you’re going to be selling every week. You can also use your account to run special offers and deals. If you don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account now’s the time to get one!

Keep these tips in mind for this year’s markets and you’re guaranteed to see profits begin to grow.

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