Quentin Investigates – Community Pub Story; Pub Insurance

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It is easy for me to find material to write about when it comes down to the demise of our traditional British pub, but a lot harder to find positive stories. However, this pub insurance blog features one such success story.

pub insurance
We love a success story! The Angler’s Rest pub

, was owned by Admiral Taverns and had seen 10 landlords come and go over the last 10 years. When Admiral decided to sell the pub to someone whose track record was to close previous pubs in favour of housing developments, the local community were outraged and came together to establish the Bamford Co-operative Society, and as such registered the Angler’s Rest as an ‘Asset of Community Value’ under the Localism Act, a piece of legislation which seeks to give local communities some power in the ability to acquire local amenities if they come up for sale such as shops, libraries and in this case the local pub.

In a rather clever plan, the Bamford Co-op Society have managed to integrate the pub with the local post office, and have opened up as a cafe in the daytime also, all of which will no doubt maximise the profitability of the venture whist keeping hold of these essential services for the community. Coupled with their offering of relatively low cost accommodation for tourist groups, (the Peak District is a Mecca for walkers and cyclists), it seems to me that these guys have a recipe for success and we at CompareCrazy wish them all the best for the future.

I contacted Liz Marshall, one of the Interim Directors of the venture, who told me that obtaining insurance for the venture was relatively difficult as the Angler’s now has mixed uses, so naturally I explained that she will not have to shop around at renewal as our panel of brokers include a specialist in this field of non standard licenced trade insurance, and I have already made provisions that the Angler’s Rest will be contacted at renewal to ensure that they have the best pub insurance deal available. I also hope to give everyone an update around that time on how the venture has progressed over the course of the year. Anything we can do to help, that’s how we roll at CompareCrazy.com! The business insurance comparison site!

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