Landlord Insurance News – Landlord Punches Like A Girl!

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A millionaire landlord in Kent has been found guilty of assault and fined more than £1,500 after storming into the Folkestone office of PLS (Property Lettings and Sales), shouting ‘Right you little s**t!’ before hitting 31 year old agent Daniel Wells and knocking him off his chair in a row over a boiler. It’s not the first time 65 year old property tycoon and ex boxer Fergus Wilson has courted controversy…

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Calm Down Fella! How Cheap Do You Want Your Insurance?!

In January this year he was in the press for evicting 200 tenants on housing benefit  from some of his 1,000 properties across Kent and replacing them with Eastern Europeans, claiming that the majority of the tenants he was evicting were defaulting on their rent and Eastern Europeans were more reliable. I am not here to comment on the morality of his actions but he would almost certainly be saving some money on his landlord insurance! Landlord insurance premiums are notably cheaper for working tenants than those on benefits and far cheaper than say, tenants who are asylum seekers.

Not that Mr. Wilson would be too concerned I suppose, as he hit number 453 in the Sunday Times Rich List in 2008 with an estimated fortune of £180million after starting to buy up properties with his wife Judith in the Ashford, Folkestone and Maidstone areas of Kent.

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Get Punched By Girls Regularly, Do You?!!

It has transpired that 20 plus stone Mr. Wilson plans to appeal against the court’s decision which has annoyed Mr. Wells. He said “I’m pleased the judge saw through him but Wilson is appealing, which is a sad thing. It’s already been going on for more than a year and it’s probably going to be at least another six months until it’s resolved. It’s laughable really that it’s gone on this long and that he’s going to appeal when he knows he’s guilty. I have to laugh or I’d get annoyed!”

He added “I think it’s very sad for a man of his age to behave the way he does. As I said in court there was no damage done, it was just a silly little incident – for a man of his size who used to be a boxer he does punch like a girl!”

Clearly Mr. Wells isn’t trying too hard to keep Mr. Wilson’s properties on his books with a comment  like that but we’re not biased here at Comparecrazy. When it comes to landlord insurance policies we’re competitive no matter who you are…

So long as you don’t want to throw punches at us because we’re hard as nails!! The business insurance comparison site!

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